photographs by kaylynn deveney
Albert Hastings was 85 years old, photographer KayLynn Deveney moved near
his small flat in Wales. KayLynn took notice of the small rituals and
routines - gardening, laundry, grocery shopping - that made up Bert's life.
A friendship slowly developed as KayLynn began photographing parts of Bert's
day. The two began a simple yet effective method of storytelling - with
KayLynn's images and Bert's handwritten text - that evolved into The
Day-to-Day Life of Albert Hastings, a poignant and profound chronicle
of aging, living alone, and the small joys that make up our daily lives.
Containing 78 annotated photographs along with poems written by Bert, his
clock drawings, and personal family photographs, The Day-to-Day Life of
Albert Hastings gives the reader a glimpse into one man's life; we can only
imagine what stories are left untold
I met Albert Hastings in 2001 when we lived in the same neighborhood in southern
Wales. Bert was renting a small flat - in what I imagine was once an elegant
building, and my husband Will Reichard and I lived in a basement flat nearby. We
had packed up our lives in New Mexico and come to Wales so that I could go to
graduate school to study photography. Because we had no car, we walked almost
daily between our flat and the city center, regularly passing the building where
Bert lived.
At first I felt shy about introducing myself to Bert, but eventually I did walk
over to meet him and he greeted me warmly. Not long after our first meeting I
asked Bert if he would work with me on a photographic project and soon I began
to learn more about aspects of his life, including his experience living through
WWII in Britain, his work as a general engineer, and his relationship to the
flora and fauna outside his building. As we became better acquainted I noticed,
too, the way he organized his things and his time, and I found his approaches
thoughtful. As my photographic studies have evolved I have increasingly focused
on ideas and depictions of home. I often seek in my photographs the banal
moments of the day—the experiences not usually considered significant enough to
warrant a snapshot. I look, too, for domestic patterns and practiced daily
routines that make us feel at home or that confirm, or conform to, our ideas of
what home should be.
Early in this project Bert shared some intriguing thoughts and comments with me
concerning my photographs of him. These comments led me to think more about the
ways our ideas regarding photography differed. I wondered too how my perceptions
of Bert differed from the way he saw himself. To better understand his feelings
about being photographed and his reactions to my photographs, I asked Bert to
caption small prints I kept in a pocket-sized notebook. Each speaking from our
own perspective, we began the dialog that eventually became this book. Bert’s
captions create a new context for my photographs, while some correspond to the
thinking that shaped the image, others interpret the image in a different way,
thereby adding a critical second perspective to this work.
In addition to the photographs of Bert, and the captions he writes, the images
of Bert’s folded pajamas, nightcap, space heater atop a biscuit tin, and the
simple apparatus he engineered to hold a broken daffodil up straight in a
shallow teacup, all speak to me of him. I consider this work to be highly
subjective and only a collection of selected moments and details, but for me
these small insights have real resonance.
Bert lost his wife many years ago and subsequently lost his daughter and
grandson as well. Bert moved twice during I photographed him, first into a flat
in sheltered accommodation not too far from where he had been living, and then
he agreed to move closer to his granddaughter who was his strongest support.
Over time it became difficult for Bert to get enough breath to walk any
distance, and he battled some medical problems. But despite these obstacles,
Bert’s character remained strong. He passed away in 2007 at the age of 91.
This work is sited where Bert’s autobiographical vision, based in life
experience and feeling, meets the new eye of a stranger. Together our visions
and versions of his day-to-day experience sit side by side to create a new tale.
At the end of this project Bert and I, of course, maintained our individual
perspectives, but I think we were richer, too, for being informed by one
another. I know I am.
The Day-to-Day Life of Albert Hastings features 83 photographs by
KayLynn Deveney, 77 handwritten captions by Albert Hastings and an assortment
of Bert's poems, drawings and family photographs.
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